Uncertainty about the introduction of Euro: studying of the impact of the new currency on 

Psychological effects connected to it

Methodological introduction

The project is the result of a confrontation among different  levels of teaching law and economics in secondary schools in countries specifically Italy, France , and England. Differences can be found not only in the syllabus but also a different kind of education system .

In many European countries these subjects vary a lot according to the kind of schools they are thought in with very different curricular structures connected to the approach to education that is peculiar to every country.

Economics and Law subjects are  essential for the development of a conscious citizen but also for his professional preparation which enables him to work in many fields in UN countries.

In this context we have exchanged information concerning our experience in order to improve teaching methods and reinforce students learning .

The exchange of information about the education system of different countries , the importance of the above mentioned subjects in the school and finally the analysis of the curriculum,  teaching methods and evaluation has led to an  experimental teaching project to be carried out in parallel “classes” of students from 14 to 16 and 16 to 18 ( which refer to our “biennio” and “triennio” of our school system ).

A starting point of the research on a topic will be the analysis of the actual results and the students’ experience of the reality of their everyday life. The work will be based on a survey  carried out by the students  through a  questionnaire and its subsequent results. The aim of the survey will be to reveal how much people know about the introduction of the Euro. The sample will be divided into : family, young people, old people, companies. There will be Graphs concerning the electronic data processing in the computing laboratory .

The gathering data of  informative material  in the local and national press such as specialized magazines, newspapers, Internet research: interviews, opinions etc. The purpose is to observe how much space the media have given to the topic, the principal opinions  and the Italian political attitude towards it . Special attention will be paid to the pro and con opinions on the introduction of Euro.

Moreover the parallel development of the topic of the project in different countries will give a useful exchange of information on the different approaches the project has been carried out. in the different social environment.; particularly it will point out the different expectations and opinions (optimism or scepticism) of the different social grounds such as media,  political opinions etc.

The last two steps concern the analysis of the results of the previous two phases:




In each class teachers will decide the more suitable tests .


May 1999 – February2000

Didactic Units (U 4^P - U 2^E) will be done in October 1999 (10h) in each class