The following questionnaire has been created by some students along with the data. Two hundred people have been interviewed grouped in: eighty families, eighty small and medium companies and forty old people. The results have consequently been reported for each category and for all of them.



Classe 4°P

  1. Have you ever heard Euro, if yes where?

       On TV
    ‚   In your Bank
    ƒ   On newspapers
    „   At work
    …   No
  2. Do you know the reason why Euro has been introduced?

    ‚  Yes
  3. Are you interested in it?

       Yes
    …   No
    ƒ   Little
  4. Do you know the exact value of Euro

       About 1000
    ‚   About 1500
    ƒ   About 2000
    „   £ ……………….
  5. Do you think it will change something in your every-day life?

      No
    ‚  Yes
  6. Will prices change with the introduction of Euro ?

      They will raise
    ‚  They will reduce
    ƒ  They don’t change
    „  I don’t know
  7. What is an EUROCENT?

     100 hundredth Euro
    ‚    1 hundredth Euro
    ƒ    10 hundredth Euro
  8. What categories will take advantage of the Euro?
  9. Do you think a small entrepreneur will be able to fare up this new market?

       Yes
    ‚ No
    ƒ    I don’t know
  10. Do you think a small single currency unit will really unify Europe?

      Yes
    ‚  No
    ƒ  I don’t know
  11. Will there be advantages or disadvantages?

      advantages
    ‚  disadvantages
    ƒ  I don’t know
  12. Are you favourable?
      Yes
    ‚   No
  13. Do you think it will east on?

      Yes
    ‚   No