We're all ready to start, but we've to remember that we’ve only at the beginning of a big race and that, to be cure of the Euro-success, we must respect some conditions... 

First of all, we should find the way to maintain the credibility of monetary policy which is guaranteed by the European Central Bank. 
In fact, EURO should be a credible currency not, only for the 290 millions Europeans in the euro‑area, but also for the non-Europeans with whom we do business.

Another important condition is represented by the adherence to a medium‑term objective of achieving "public finances that are close to balance or in surplus": this is indispensable for the Union as a whole to weather periods of economic, difficulty and for individual countries to withstand possible economic downturns which affect only them. 
We cannot forget also a third condition: European countries must continue controlling the level of unemployment.

Fortunately the EURO will help the states in that way, encouraging “cross fertilisation in areas such as labour markets, education, etc. 
The last but not less important condition is that economic leaders in Europe be cIar-sighted on the crucial question of competitiveness. 
Nowadays the success of EURO is important - it's not too hazarded to say that it is also a necessity - not only for Europe, but for the rest of the world.

 So ... are we really ready to start?                                                                     

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